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Today, District mineral foundation plays a vital aspect of the regulatory and financial compliance for all mineral bearing districts in India. The fund created as DMF contributes towards the preservation and development of community and surroundings affected by mining and related activities.

The collection of DMF from the mining entities by the government is done by the concerned state authority and goes into the DMF funds for the respective state. Various projects that target creation of community assets and High Priority areas such as Drinking water supply, Healthcare, Education, Housing, Sanitation, Skill development, Environment preservation and pollution control measures, creation of Physical Infrastructure etc.

The DMF Automation solution enables monitoring of web-based system for monitoring of the DMF Funds and the respective activities for which funds have been allocated.



Features and USP

How it Works
How it Works
How it Works
How it Works
How it Works
How it Works

<p>Project scheduling, task management and Project report creation</p>

<p>Work executor management and work detail monitoring</p>

<p>Budgeting and cost control</p>

<p>Effective Arrears Reconciliation</p>

<p>Fixed and Flexi-Deposits Monitoring</p>

<p>Mobile app interface for Inspection and Reporting</p>

How it Works
How it Works
How it Works
How it Works
How it Works
How it Works